Perfecting your application for graduate school may be a crucial step to receiving that acceptance letter, but the actions that you take before sending it in are just as important. 

Making sure that a graduate admissions counselor knows your name before you apply to the program can greatly improve your chances of acceptance. Here are some strategies that you can follow in order to get noticed by admissions counselors.

1. Reach out to Graduate Admissions Counselors

A great way to put your name out there and to get recognized is to get in contact with the people that will be reviewing your application. You can send them more than one email, but be careful not to overdo it. You want to send enough to show your interest in the school, but not too much where you start to get on the nerves of the admissions counselors. 

Be strategic about when you send out the emails. This resource provides a timeline of actions you should take during the months leading up to the application deadline. Remember that these admissions counselors are very busy people, especially around the time that applications are due. So, make sure to keep the emails brief and to the point.

2. Tour the School and Attend Information Sessions

If you want faculty and staff to get to know you before sending in your application, attend some events that are hosted by the school. These can be anything from information sessions to networking events. The more you show your face, the more likely they are to remember you. Many of these events are most likely to be virtual this year, due to the pandemic, but we have a blog post all about making the most of virtual events!

During your visit, ask to speak to a faculty member who is a part of the program that you will be applying to. For most programs, especially Psychology, faculty members greatly influence which applicants get accepted. So, if you make a good impression, they might be able to put in a good word for you. 

If you really want to express your interest in the program, ask them some questions, but stray away from asking the basic ones that can be answered with a simple search through their website. Requesting a copy of the syllabus for a course that you’re interested in is a great idea, as well as asking to sit in on one of their lectures. 

3. Take Advantage of Social Media

Social media is also a great tool for getting noticed by admissions counselors. Make sure you’re following the school on their platforms and that you’re engaging with some of their posts. If they happen to look you up on LinkedIn or Facebook to find out more about you, they’ll be delighted to see that you are already interacting with their institution. It shows that you have a high level of interest in the school. 

Although social media can be a helpful tool, it can also hurt you if you have posts that reflect negatively upon you. So, before commenting on a school’s Facebook post, make sure your profile is cleaned up and portrays you in the best light! 

By following these tips, you are sure to get on the radar of admissions counselors, which will in turn, improve your chances of getting accepted into the program!